Federsee buses bike tour

"The" Holy Mountain of Upper Swabia "is the 767 m high Bussen. It towers above the landscape of the region. It is a destination and place of pilgrimage at the same time.
The steep ascent is rewarded with a wonderful panoramic view of Upper Swabia and, with a little luck, the alpine panorama is within reach in foehn weather. Those who do not want to take the steep ascent can enjoy the view from below and the beautiful surroundings while taking a walk.
Follow the signs: Tour 13
You leave Bad Buchau in the direction of Kanzach and follow Tour 13 to the Dürmentingen sign. Shortly before the bridge on the embankment from the direction of Kanzach, an old pilgrimage route continues. This follows the embankment to the center of the village or the i-point. From there, continue along the Kapellenweg to the Lorettokapelle.
Go downhill to the right to the embankment and follow it to the left. Past the new chapel to the connecting road Burgau-Heudorf. There left uphill to the Heerweg, passing a wayside shrine. Right here and then right again down to the Kanzachtal and on to Hailtingen.
Via the village community center through the Dentinger Täle to Offingen. The last part goes steeply up from Offingen on the buses.
The way back leads via Offingen to Dentingen and Betzenweiler. Here you follow the signs for the Oberschwaben-Allgäu-Weg around the Federsee back to Bad Buchau. "(* Source: outdooractive )